Friday, December 30, 2011

Christmas card 2011

I didn't like it

We went and saw santa at her school he gave everyone a book, Ciera was telling papa about it. " He gave me a book and i did not like it."

Owen-- Got a new tub toy for Christmas, " Can I take a bath" daddy said not till tonight, owen to Mommy "my face is dirty I need to take a bath."

Best Present

Best christmas present this year was a surprise from aunt jen. She spent less than 48 hours with us but it was the best 48 hours. She got to watch the kids open presents and see all the excitement. This was the list.

Mimi-- Camera ( she took pictures all day), cheer necklace, DS game, PJ's and slippers, books, roller skates from Papa, Jammies and perfume set from aunt jen.
Ciera--DS (now all 3 kids have one), DS games, barbie, ballet doll, ballet necklace, new hat and gloves, roller skates from Papa, Jesse doll and jammies from Aunt Jen. She did have a pet deer on her list but we couldn't make that happen.
Owen-- Power Wheels truck (loved it), Boat, gun ( a very loud gun), cowboys jersey, DS game, legos from papa, woody jammies and buzz doll from Aunt jen.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How About

Ciera had her 1st cavity---ughhh
She was a trooper, better than i did with my first cavity. She got a cute hot pink laughing gas mask. Never cried. Looked so cute with her lip all swollen so proud of her. We went to target afterwards and she picked out hello kitty make-up.

Owen went for a happy visit...only not so happy
this was #2 try. He said he would let her brush her teeth. Than he started making excuses, but was so cute while he did it. How about...... He finally let Dr. trolio look at his teeth after some firm talking. I still let him get a monster truck. Try #3 next month

Saturday, September 3, 2011


52 days this summer over 100

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

That's funny

" Hurry get in here come and look at my hair, it's changing colors, it looks like peanut butter"
" What's that" the attic "Oh is woody Buzz up there"
Papa was watching ciera and owen Ciera says to owen " I get to be the boss cause mimi's not here"
At Papa's watching a movie " I'm gonna be that girl" papa you don't want to be the princess? " Mimi is always the princess, always"
At daycare ciera opens her yogurt and not knowing karen shakes it for her getting yogurt all over her "this is my life" " all over my new hair"
We go out to el dorado lake and she is so excited " The dirty pool"

I like chris's he has movies, candy and chocolate milk

"I was so bad at kids club i couldn't even stand it" just kidding

2 front teeth

All I want for christmas is my 2 front teeth. It was a lot of drama but the other front tooth came out. Jason attached a string and Mimi pulled.

Aunt jen is here

What a great 3 weeks
The kids were so excited to see you at the airport
OJ Watson Park train and pony rides
Owens Awesome and delecious birthday cake
The dress that couldn't be found
Best hanna cafe lunch ( you make it really good)
The tent and sleepover with the kids (Best Aunt ever)
Golf tee in the foot ( poor Owen)
No Ac in the surburban
The manacala game (your cheating)
Story time Hocky, pokey, feed ducks, and Jason's deli
Movie "The Help"
Crazy storm, queen of the fallen tree

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Woody Buzz

Owen had his 3rd birthday. He had been talking about having a woody buzz birthday party for several months so that's what he got. We had a pool party at Dr Jenny's. We were so lucky that aunt Jen was in town and volunteered to make your cake (it turned out Awesome.) The day was a little cloudy and sprinkled a bit but turned out okay by 5:00p.m. The kid guest were lana, london, addison, olive, Alec, and Sydney. Papa frank was able to come also. Owen had a great time swimming and decided to go off the steps for the first time, he held on along the wall which was a mistake he came out with blisters on his fingers (poor guy) We are so thankful for all of are friends and family who could come celebrate with us.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

1st grade

1st day of school Aug 17th it was late start so we started the day right with daylight doughnuts.
Took some 1st day of school pictures and walked her to her new class.
new back pack-- she picked it out from the gap
new outfit----took forever to pick out the night before such a girl
new teacher---- Mrs. Brown
new school supplies-- barbie folder, Hanna Montanna notebook
old friends in class
old faces= a great school year.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Family vaca

Great wolf lodge here we come
We surprised the kids with a weekend trip to KC.
We started with lunch at t-rex cafe
then a little back to school shopping (new back back, dress, and some cute outfits)
Then for the big surprise the great wolf lodge.
We went straight to the water park it.....The kids loved it
The girls headed straight for the HUGE tower, tried to keep um with them. and
Jason stayed with Owen, who was a little reluctant to go down the small slides but after a little encouragement went down 100 more times. We swam for 3 hours, rushed to our room, changed just in time for story time, the kids and adults were asleep by 10.
The next day we ate breakfast in a tree house, swam for another 2 hours ate chic-fill-a for lunch, and headed home.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Aunt Jen

Jen came for a week to visit during Christmas, and What a week

When we get home will you play with me

Poop, Butt
Pictures at JCPennies
Ciera throwing up in the mall trash can
The kids cutting themselves on glass and mimi sad because her nail polish got messed up
5 kids in the house for 2 days
Christmas shopping till midnight
Took the kids to see Narnia
Our fancy dinner night
Looking at Christmas lights
Christmas eve at Mom's eating chili
Ciera being the grinch and not smiling ever
Kada eating the reindeer food
Homemade pies that turned out yummy
New phone that gave you anxiety
Christmas dinner at dad's
Flight canceled and getting to stay one more night, you read the kids books and tucked them in to bed and it was a great goodbye

Best Aunt and Sister and so glad we got to spend a week with you


For me:
Went to hawaii with Jen

Jason and I :
Celebrated 4th year of marriage
Tested our marriage and relationship but are now stronger than ever

Started kindergarden
Got custody of her
Lost her first tooth
Celebrated her 6th birthday with Pinkalicious party

First one to get stitches--poor girl
celebrated her 3rd birthday with a princess party and went to build a Bear
Took her first dance class at the YMCA

Moved from the crib to a toddler bed
Celebrated his 2nd birthday with a Thomas the train party and got lots of train stuff

Travel and Fun:
KC vacation at the water park
Beauty and the Beast show
Sesame Street live
Missouri family reunion
Camping at Norton lake
Got a trampoline for the family

Family & Friends
Aunt Jen starts touring with Beauty and the Beast
Jill had baby Grace-Suprise
Uncle Ryan got married
Papa is still cancer free
Brinks moved away to colorado
Bobbie and Stacey got married